Saucy will be back shortly. Meanwhile,check out some of these great sites that update their content just about everyday. Bookmark this page, so that you can keep up with all these fabulous sites, all of them only on Saucykonfections!

[EVENTORB]-This is a new site for event promoters.This is a great site for when you want to promote your parties or maybe you just want to find events in your neck of the woods.
[BLACKCELEBRITYKIDS]-A celebrity baby blog featuring black celebrity kids,babies and their parents.
[QUICK'S CATCHUP]-Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find a picture of Amy Winehouse on this site.
[TECHCRUNCH]-Find technical reviews on new Internet products and companies. You're guaranteed to learn something new.
[BOSSIP]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to laugh on this site.
[NECOLEBITCHIE]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find interviews...even interviews with your favorite bloggers.
[URBANHOOPLA]Gossip news/pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find the latest candids of your favorite celebrities on this site.
[DLISTED]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to laugh your butt off on this site.
[REPPINGBEANTOWN]Gossip news/pop culture news.You are guaranteed to find a picture of rapper T.I. and his girlfriend on this site.
[MRSGRAPEVINE]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You are guaranteed to find great/huge pictures on this site.
[BATCHPLEASE]A fashion blog. You're guaranteed to find a new look on this site.
[BROWNSISTA]News/pictures of your favorite black female celebrities. You're guaranteed to find pictures of beautiful women on this site.
[MEDIAOUTRAGE]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find the cutest female celebrities on this site.
[CONCRETELOOP]Gossip news/Pop Culture news. You're guaranteed to find news on Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on this site.
[THEFASHIONBOMB]A fashion Blog. You're guaranteed to find a new outfit on this site.You'll come out looking like a celebrity.
[POPCULTUREJUNKIE]Gossip news/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find interesting YouTube videos on this site
[STYLEHIVE]A fashion blog. You're guaranteed to find the latest fashion finds on this site.
[FADEDYOUTHBLOG]Gossip news/Pop culture. You're guaranteed to find large pictures of Jessica Simpson,cute celebrity babies on this site.
[THEYBF]Gossip/Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find your favorite black celebrities on this site.
[DREWREPORTS]Gossip/Pop Culture news. You're guaranteed to find snapshots of your favorite hip-hop celebrities.
[THEEBIZ]Gossip/Pop culture news.You're guaranteed to find news on Chicago on this site.
[CREOLEPIMP]You're guaranteed to find pictures of Beyonce's nephew Daniel and you're guaranteed to laugh.
[RHYMESWITHSNITCH] Gossip/pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find scandalous pictures of your favorite celebrities.
[SINGERSROOM]Music news,videos,etc.. You're guaranteed to hear the hottest songs on this site
[JUSTJARED]Pop culture news. You're guaranteed to find hi-definition pictures on this site of your favorite celebrities.