It all started with this tree in Jena,Louisiana, a town of about 4,000 residents,85%of whom are white. A student asked if he could sit under the tree for "Whites Only." The African-American student was then told by school administrators that he could sit wherever he chooses to sit. So the student sat.
The next day students arrived to see three nooses hung on the tree for "Whites Only." The message was clear to the African American students:you do not sit under a tree "marked" for "Whites Only." The boys who hung the nooses on the tree were suspended for a few days,yes a few days. School administrators didn't feel it imperative to expel the young white males; the superintendent felt that the incident was merely a harmless prank. The black students,however,did not take the "prank" so lightly;they staged a sit-in underneath the now infamous tree. For the remaining part of September and October, tension rose between the blacks and whites. Fights broke out and part of the school was lit on fire.
On Decmber 3rd 2006,another incident of racial tension occurred at this gas station pictured above. An argument ensued between one of the boys of the Jena 6 and a young unidentified male. A brawl followed in which the young white boy drew a rifle gun at Bailey,a Jena 6 male,and a couple of his other friends.The three teenagers were able to fight off the young man and were able to take the gun away.Bailey,the the black male, ran away with the gun and was later charged with theft of a firearm,second-degree robbery, and disturbing the peace.
Then it happened. On December 4th,yet another fight broke out between a black and white student. Justin Barker,who had been racially taunting some black students, was beaten unconscious. Justin,the alleged victim in question, was rushed to the hospital in which he was discharged after two hours of observation. This now historical fight resulted in the apprehending of six males. So it became that these six black men would be known as the Jena 6. The Jena 6 are 17-year-old Robert Bailey Junior whose bail was set at $138,000; 17-year-old Theo Shaw - bail $130,000; 18-year-old Carwin Jones--bail $100,000; 17-year-old Bryant Purvis--bail $70,000; 16 year old Mychal Bell, a sophomore in high school who was charged as an adult and for whom bail was set at $90,000; and an unidentified minor.No justice,No peace.Will justice prevail? To date Mychal Bell has been found guilty of all charges and is awaiting sentencing on September 20th.Mychal Bell is expected to spend 22 years in jail for an incident that ordinarily would have gotten a high schooler suspended for two weeks tops. The other five are awaiting trial. So where is the Jusitice? No Justice,no peace says these protesters.
just by reading this article, i see that the "incidents" of actual contact had the white extremely outnumbered by the black. had it been the other way around, the aggressors would have been charged with federal hate crimes and have their sentences enhanced. the justice is there, just not for the aggressive perpetrators as is usually the case.
You have got to be joking. " i see that the "incidents" of actual contact had the white extremely outnumbered by the black." Okay. how many rifles does it take to scare off a "larger" crowd?
You say that if it was the other way around that things would have been different. You are right. If black boys walked around with for instance, white sheets over their heads, they WOULD have been expelled. If the whites became upset believe me, the white public would have supported their "cause". And finally, if after the tension built, the white boys became so frustrated that they beat up a black boy, landed him in the hospital for only TWO hours then released, the white community would see the case as justice served.
"The three teenagers were able to fight off the young man and were able to take the gun away." God forbid that they should try to defend themselves against a gun man intent of hurting them. Such GALL!!
"Bailey,the the black male, ran away with the gun and was later charged with theft of a firearm,second-degree robbery, and disturbing the peace." Wow! So he tries to defend himself, gets the gun out of his attacker's hand, does NOT use it against his attacker, but runs off with it. If he was going to use it he would have. And somehow he was charged. What about the white boy threatening a citizen with a fire arm? Where is HIS charge.
Now we have six TEENAGERS charged with attempted MURDER? MURDER? Good Lord! What about the guy with the gun? What was HIS intent?
Let me get this straight. If an adult were charged under these circumstances, where NO ONE was severley hurt, where the only "victim" spent 2 hours in the hospital, where the victim's acquaintances have pulled weapons against the charged, the sentences would not be as severe as the ones these boys are facing. Oh yeah, let's get this straight; they are being tried as BLACK ADULTS...therein lies the difference.
Oh by the way, before you think that my post is in "favor" of any one race especially that of the black race, I am NOT black. I am only on the side of justice, and in "this land of the free" and "home of the brave"....well you figure it out.
I want to know where our president is in this case. These things should not be happening. This ignorrance has got to stop. I am native american and white and for people to assume that all of us think things because of these types of events is absurd. Reading this case hurts my heart. On what grounds are these boys being held in jail? And also, like a comment above states, since when do you not get thrown in jail or worse for pulling a gun on someone? i mean, did they even investigate for a registration or license on the gun? seems to me that maybe the people controlling the "justice" in this town need to be replaced quickly because this is one of the most ridiculous cases i think i have ever encountered. As far as someone stating that "had it been the other way around, the aggressors would have been charged with federal hate crimes and have their sentences enhanced" is clearly spoken on the basis of ignorrance aone... well lets think about.. how often do you hear of black hate crimes on whites? or blacks starting race riots against whites? or blacks trying to lynch whites?or blacks dragging whites behind cars for NO REASON except hate. not often. These situtaions are so constant among white supremesist that of course it would be looked at as a hate crime because that's generally WHAT IT IS.
I am an 18 year old white male, and I believe this case is bogus, they should look beyond color. And maybe they would realize that if me and five of my friends would have beat up a kid of another race we would probably of gotten proibation or something. This is crazy, the jena 6 do not deserve to be treated as if they tried to kill someone. It was a Fight WITH FISTS, not weapons. Please show me what is so terrible about that. GOD BLESS the JENA 6, they are definitly in my prayers.
Our judicial system deals with facts and punishes accordingly. Stupidity of some comments like the victim only stayed for "TWO hours" in the hospital. Matters not, fact is he was beaten to unconscousness. End of!
Hanging nooses is very sick and ignorant. Most people would consider this a threat, and I believe harassment like this should be punished, as well as beating someone into unconscousness. I don't believe jail is the answer. I don't have the answer. Racism will always be around unless we educate our children from the beginning that we are all human, and God created us equal. That is the way it should be, but I am sad to say I probably won't see complete harmony with black and white in my lifetime. All I can do is set an example while I am on this earth.
Peace to all
I live in the south. I am white. I am NOT racist. I have seen these "tauntings" of blacks by whites. Even to this day it, sadly, still happens. I would have to blame our elders, for the way some of us were raised. No one seems to know how to grow up! Stop hating and just live life in peace. It's so sad to see people angry all the time.
As for the "Jena 6" story, my opinion, I think things have gotten out of hand. Those black boys didn't have to go that far as to beating a boy while unconcious. I understand that they got frustrated and tired of nothing being done about the tauntings... but... they didn't have to do that. They should be punished for what they did.
What does that say to our youth? That it is okay to beat someone unconcious because he called you a name? Cruel. I know it was cruel for the whites to be "saying" whatever it was that was said but they did not physically hurt anyone. Yeah, they probably need their a** whooped for it, but how does that solve anything. All that did was bring this town down to racism and hate.
And as for the boy who pulled a gun, you tell me if you were at a gas station and a group of boys (black or white)came up to you and started taunting you and you felt overpowered, scared, and you had a gun, would you not pull it out just to get them to leave you alone? I believe the white boy was probably scared for his life. I could understand that. I haven't heard any of the white boys side of the story. All we have heard was the blacks side. Lets give everybody a chance to express themselves. What do the "victims" have to say? What are their stories? Not what people are saying for them.
I definitly believe these black kids should be punished for beating that boy up...but when I say punished I mean Community service and probation not 20 years in prison...thats just rediculous!!! and I srongly feel the white boy who hung the Nooses and the other who pulled the gun should be right along with them picking up trash from the side of the road....this bull just brought us back about 30 years and its so very sad.....
This is absolutely ridiculous. To a commenter a few spaces above who stated that the white male felt frightened for his life, so that is probably why he pulled the rifle. Please. Did not the black students feel frightened for their lives to see nooses hung on a tree with a sign that says "Whites Only"? Let us all be for real about this thing.
The young men should have some form of punishment, but this is a bit much.The white males deserve some form of punishment as well.
What do you mean that he was only unconscious for a couple of hours? It shows that they weren't trying to kill him. Get it, his injuries were consistnet with someone who had been involved in a fight. I am a school counselor and have encountered fights greater than this magnitude, with more serious injuries. How we handeled it? We expelled every person involved. I do the hearings. Jena 6 should have never been handeled as a criminal case. This is bull****. There is clearly a racial undertone.
I woulda beat his Ass 2!!!
You are all full of s#$t. Attempted murder is a little much, but a hate crime "DEFINATELY!!" 6 blacks beating 1 white....hmmm. What fueled them to attack him... um HATE! Also the white kids who hung the noose should have been expelled.
I am a white male from Los Angeles. I spent the 6 months in Louisiana with FEMA right after the Hurricane. I traveled to every parish (community) in the entire state interviewing hurricane victims. It is very black and white there. There is equal hate on both sides. Black people aren't welcome in white areas and white people aren't welcome in black areas. Black people were welcome in my community in Los Angeles, but I would be beat down or shot for going to certain black communities in LA.
Now do the math... How many white racists kill black people every year to the number of black people killing black people every year. When are we going to attack the gangs of this county who kill eachother on a daily basis.
okay this has just gotten out of hand. there should be justice WHERE IS THE JUSTICE. wait i forgot there has never been any justice. never in the history of the world and that is a face. there has be something people can do to get these kids free or is there a law against that also becuz if there is NONE OF US HEARD ABOUT IT!!!!i can't believe that this happend if only the "white" student let the "black" student sit under the tree and didnt go out on them with the nooses then this stupid inncident would have never happend but thats racism for ya always going out irracially on someone a different color who didnt even offend them. God our world sucks.
I just want to offer up a prey for the jena 6. Lord we come to you right now asking you to be with these families in this time, lord we ask you to let justice be serve, lord touch the hearts of the blacks, and whites, let them come to realize that we were all created equal and that we all will one day have to answer to the same God, Lord we know you are able to do all things Lord just let these young boys be able to go back to everyday living in your name AMEN
We all know that this went to far, I really hate that it did but I praying that these young people will get their life back, because this wasn't nothing more than a normal high school fight. LORD PLEASE LET JUSTICE BE SERVE
The whole Jena 6 thing has gotton way out of hand. I am not racist in any way,but it really wasnt right what the SIX black boys did to the ONE white boy. Although the white boys really should have gotton a harsher punishment. I think instead of beating the boy unconcious if they would have talked to someone like a judge, there might have been harsher punishments for the white boys.
the punishment is way too severe for the jena 6 but it does send a good message to maybe stop anymore racially motivated incidents. segregation would be a great thing but will never happen. blacks kill over street names, gang signs and the wrong color of clothing worn, how stupid, basically racist on their own ppl so racism is here to stay, ppl should just ignore or mind their own business and things like this may not happen.
After reading all of the comments posted on this site with regard to JENA 6 and reading and hearing about all the facts leading up to date, I have to say that violence is definitely not the answer/solution. I do agree that it is the elders who have promoted this ongoing cycle of fear, hatred, ignorance and violence. This is directed at both black Americans and white Americans.
The ignorance stems from various fear based cores as well as one group having a superiority complex over another. To even use the word "Race" as though there were different races among human beings is literally absurd- we have different ethnic/religious backgrounds but we are ALL human beings of the same race-Science proves it.
To address a previous comment wherein the individual makes the statement that our "Judicial system deals with facts and punishes accordingly End of" If that were the case, then the young man beaten was just the proverbial bubble bursting. There were countless incidents prior to, that in a true just system, unlike JENA, six wouldn't be subject to imprisonment with astronomical bail. Furthermore, there would be no victim of a beating, and one whose bruises were not just physical but also emotionally, as his ego may have been hurt as well.
Hanging nooses on a tree in the south is like hanging a picture of Hitler in front of a Jewish school-it is not "just a HARMLESS prank". It was definitely done with malice.
As for another comment stating that "it was just words" and beating the boy unconscious was the real true wrong, is like saying that some of the people writing their opinions are obvious trailer trash, it is rude and offensive and if I were faced with someone who would say that to me I may not feel compelled to cause physical harm, now if someone or a group of someone continuously degraded and belittled me it would then intensify my stress and frustration and lead to rage which would then send even Ghandi to physical means of retribution.
At the end of the day, it is not just JENA 6 under the microscope, it is the USA, and more intricately, us as human being. If an action is wrong and warrants punishment, it should be wrong across the board. This should not be whose guilty or innocent just because of ethnicity, this should be whose guilty because a crime has truly been committed. End of!
This is just ignorant beyond belief. This is what i think is going on. The world today is a complicated mess, and always has been. The difference of color should never be a problem or an issue to anybody of any background. White people shouldn't have made slaves of blacks, and then put them through oppression and segregation during previous years. Blacks shouldn't be creating gangs or gang signs, and should stop trying to kill each other and unite. The whole damn thing has been blown out of proportion. The idiots who put the stupid nooses up on the tree should have been expeled from the school and have to be going to a different school. That still doesn't mean that the black kids should have beat the hell out of the white kid, I mean, yeah, you've been through a lot and some idiot white kid decides to make fun of you, it really shouldn't go more than a few shoves and pushes, not SIX WHOLE GUYS. And still, the punishment shouldn't be to GO TO JAIL FOR IT. That has to be the most stupidest thing I have ever heard. LETS SEND SOME BLACK BOYS TO JAIL FOR A FIST FIGHT, BUT SUSPEND SOME WHITE BOYS FOR 3 DAYS FOR HANGING UP NOOSES ON A TREE AND MARKING IT "WHITES ONLY," SURE TO BRING UP OLD FLARES FROM THE 60'S AND DESTROY OUR REPUTATION AS A TOWN!!
And about that boy who pulled a gun on the black kids. Come on now. Some one posted a comment a few comments ago talking about pulling out a gun so they would back off. If that was a black kid, what would happen. Just think. If a black kid pulls a gun on a white kid and the white kid takes it away from him, whats gonna happen? The white kid is gonna be getting cards like "your so brave" and "way to DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU COULD TO PREVENT YOUR LIFE FROM BEING TAKEN AWAY" looking like a hero, and the black guy would be rotting in a jail somewhere. But it's the other way around, and of course, most white people are going to look at this case and see what the black guys did to that "poor white kid." If that kid hadn't said anything, his ass wouldn't have gotten beat. And the boy who pulled out the gun should be charged with attempted murder, not the boys who fought for their lives. So in closing, the Jena six should have never happened like this. Local news maybe, but not nationally. You know what, not even local news. It should have been this, black kids sit under a tree normally sat under by white kids. The white kids came and joined them. There was peace and bliss as they did whatever the hell they where doing. But it blew up into all of this. The Jena six should be free but way to go brilliantly minded students, superintendent and residents of Jena, Louisiana, way to show America how ignorant and stupid white and black people are once something as RETARDED as a noose hanging can end up sending 6 males to jail. (excuse for the language)
i think dis shit is dumb as hell...cuz i kno if the white had been slavez nd thingz like that nd the black was their master back in the days....nd that tree was 4 "black only" nd we put a goddamn nooses on the tree dey would had done the same shit that they did...
nd wat happen 2 our feedom of rightz...i think if we was never slavez nd we had equal rightz back in the day well dis shit wouldnt b happening..and the presidentz is not even doing nothing bout it..
or the fu*kin KKK'z or any racist people....president bush is not doing nothin except making more war for us....and we black people got 2 stay strong and show them that we dont play that and we are not slaves no more and we are smart now.nd now white people wants to become like they going 2 take that away to.
Listen y'all
if all of this is happening to us we are the ones to blame,even back to the days of do you think we became slaves? because we'ent civilized and strong enough and we sold our own brothers,white people did they're part, but we were in it too.
Now all we do is look back to the injustice of the past to justify the way things are today and that's why we can't make it. The past is the past, today we live as one nation no matter what colour we are and what we believe in otherwise there would be no point of creating this nation. All we need to do is to loosen the boundaries of colours and consider ourselves not as black or white or yellow but as a whole.
What happened at jena should have been treated according to real justice and the jurors decisions should have been influenced by the facts but not whose or wohes colour
Think about it.
Tell me who takes 100 years fo' beating up some schoolboy next time they see you spit on the street you get executed!that's bulls*t
those jurors were on crack o' somthin'
you don't sentence young boys to jail juss because you don't like theyre skin.
dats distugusting,wat fuking country is this?
All I want to know is who are the young mens lawyers. This is blatant racism in our society today? What a mockery of the discrimination laws. What? Louisiana don't have to follow the laws, or, are they still making up their own laws like they did in the 1920's. The NAACP should be all over this incident. These boys should be out of jail and on with their lives. I thought it was a felony to insinuate hate crimes. So, hanging a noose from a tree does not insinuate hate!? This incident needs to be addressed by the Supreme Court right now, not years from now, right now! This is ridiculous!
by reading this, i relize that some towns have not gotten over racism and segrigation. as a young woman of the african american race, i look at this and think "this could have been me or one of my brothers". i find it disturbing that this is still going on, but i have encountered huge amounts of racism when i was a baby. almost killed because of the skin color on my body and my mothers.
just see in nba how the negros attacks yao and sasha feks.. and have you heard of this The Killings of Channon Christian and Chris it!!! fucking negro racists. wake up!! some white people are racists against them laughing rest of my life.... of all the negros who dies in haiti and all the children that are sitting with flyes in there eyes and weigh 10 i was gone give money but now im gone laugh rest of my life because of it ahhahhaaa
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