Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Beyonce wishes that she were born a Latina says the R&B sensation in her latest interview with The songstress says that Latina's are more "genuine" and that she is "jealous" that she wasn't born a Latina. Way to represent your culture,Beyonce! Check out part of the interview below:

Latina: What's one thing that you'd like to tell your Latina fans?

B: I would thank them for embracing me. I did radio (promotions) this morning for hours and hours and I noticed a big difference between speaking to all of the Latino stations and speaking to the pop stations or the other stations. With the Latino stations, there was so much love and everyone is so genuine. I'm just jealous that I wasn't born Latina. I wish I had been because the culture is so beautiful. I'm very grateful Latinos are embracing me.

Latina: So, your name has French roots. And, you know, you could have pursued singing in French. But you've chosen to sing in Spanish on this album instead. Why was that?

Beyonce: Well, I did actually sing a song in French at the Oscars. It was very hard. But that gave me the confidence to sing in Spanish because if I can do that, then I felt like, well maybe I can sing in Spanish. I've always loved the way Spanish sounds with music and with melodies. It's just so beautiful and so passionate. I also grew up in Texas and I remember listening to Selena all the time.

Latina: How did you learn to sing in Spanish?

B: I only took classes for a few years in middle school, when you learn to say things like, "Where's the bathroom?" But, even that helped me with my pronunciation when I got in the studio. I still get a little nervous when I have to do it live, but I'm getting pretty good at it, especially when it has a melody attached to it. I take a lot of time and focus because I want to do it right.

I go through everything with Rudy Perez who rewrote my songs in Spanish--he is so incredible and he completely gets it. So I don't have to correct anything because he's right on it all the time. Then I learn each line phonetically, how I would say it. It's hard--my songs are hard enough to sing in English!

Check out the rest of the interview HERE


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