How much are you willing to pay for one of Rihanna's Umbrella?$50.00 dollars? No? Okay,$25. Well, how about $14.99? No? Well, then you cannot afford any of Rihanna's umbrellas!
Rihanna has a new line of umbrellas(like we didn't see that one coming)After her song "Umbrella" made history on Uk's charts,i expect that Rihanna is making a good business move by patnering up with Tote,a British accessories company.Check out some of the Umbrellas below.
$14.99 for this one$50.00 for this one made in satinYOU STILL THINK YOU CAN AFFORD ONE OF THESE BABIES? THEN YOU CAN HEAD OVER TO
Rihanna + Umbrellas= Boo. lol