Thursday, May 24, 2007

Listen to Rihanna's songs Shut-Up and Drive and Rehab-Saucy's Throwdown

Rihanna's second single off of The Good girl Gone Bad cd is officially Shut-up and drive, though my heart yearns for the second single to be Rehab. The two songs have been hitting the radio airwaves and well, since there are a lot of Rihanna's fans here,I had to bring you both songs. Once the video for Shut-up and Drive comes out,i will be able to review it in full. For now, i am Liking Rihanna's "Shut-up and Drive" song,but loving the "Rehab" song. I have provided you with the lyrics to both Shut-up and Drive and Rehab.I wished that I worked for Def Jam-I would have chosen Rehab as the second single. What do you think? Enjoy Saucy's 2-4-1 special.


Eve's Song Tambourine will be making its video debut on BET as well as on Yahoo tonight.I am looking forward to reviewing this video-It looks like a fun video.

American idol winner is Jordan Sparks-Read more in Saucy's weekend Review-coming to you this weekend.Live,Love,and eat chocolates!

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